Wednesday, August 25, 2010

WEIRD FOrex Training Video: 34-Million Dollars Forex Account Revealed…He Did It Totally By Using A Simple Formula

Get these Forex Scalping Cheatsheets plus the 10X Scalping System FREE. First practice on your Forex Demo. Watch this Freedom Forex Formula video that reveals simple FREE Forex Method that makes 7,913 pips from just one market move. Download thi special manuscript that explains the forex method in step by step detail FREE! WEIRD Video: 34-Million Dollars Forex Account Revealed…This is shocking … Hint: A 34-Million Account Shown :O Jaw-Dropping Video Inside… The guy in this video just basically came out of nowhere and turned the entire Forex industry upside down. I’m serious. People are totally flipping out over this (and for good reason.) You can see the video here. No need to do anything special, just go here and it’ll start up!
OK – in this video, he shows you the bank statement of his 34-Million Trading Account…But the weird part is this:
1. He DID NOT use any EAs or automated trading software.
2. He DID NOT use any of the “fancy” trading systems those self-proclaimed gurus are always bluffing.
3. He did it totally by using a simple formula consisting of crystal clear principles.
That’s right …no rehashed EAs, no fancy trading systems… nothing. Oh – and get this. The formula can be applied to any currency pairs, and any timeframe and it’s so easy to learn that even a novice trader can easily pick it up after at most a few hours…and once your master it …you can trade and make profits almost effortlessly.
And in case you are not aware of, James (the guy behind all this amazing stuff) were sharing most of his best-kept secrets for FREE too. All the trading materials are also available here! I frankly don’t know how long he keeps this up, so if I were you, I’d hustle to take a peep! There’s nothing for sale at this site right now. All you have to do is go here and the video will play automatically in your browser: This link is already being passed around like crazy. I’ve gotten four emails about it in the last 10 minutes alone. You might want to go and watch the video NOW in case they run out of bandwidth or something.
James Lampert: Here’s the SECOND video I promised you: It’s entitled “5 Giants of Unstoppable FX Profits”! Once you’ve watched the video, you’ll immediately “get it”. Ever since I mentioned that I *might* release the 55 sets of Freedom Formula DVDs, my inbox has been crammed. If you’ve written me before, you know I try to reply personally. So if it takes me a while to write you back, please know I’m working on it. There are 3,953 messages in my inbox right now….And I just got 13 more in the past two minutes. But .. I’M WORKING ON IT :-)
So again …if you have a question, comment, or request for the DVDs …please send it in. Video #3 just posted: In the video, I show you my $34 million bank account. To my knowledge, this is the first time something like this is done in the forex industry. I’ve decided to release the 55 copies of the Freedom Formula DVDs, CDs, and workbooks.
The reason why is NOT what you might think. Yes, my Gmail account is about to explode because of all the DVD requests that are coming in. Especially since I reluctantly agreed to let several trader friends tell a few people on their lists about it. (Unfortunately, “a few people” turned out to be their entire email lists. I’m trying to put out the fires as we speak.) …But that’s not why I’m doing it. The “straw that broke the camel’s back” is a little *GIFT* that I got from one of the Inner Sanctum member. It’s a *WEIRD* story and an unsual gift.

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