Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ron Carter EX Floor Trader Holding A Webinar On His Pro Forex Robot

Get these Forex Scalping Cheatsheets plus the 10X Scalping System FREE. Learn this powerful Fibonacci Retracement method FREE that pulls 500+ pips per trade. Discover the Pro Forex Robot and read the FREE report by Ron Carter-Ex Floor Trader! Go check it out now! Not long ago I caught wind of an expert floor trader named Ron Carter who was generating some amazing returns with a program that he developed over many years and which he “handcrafted” with precision and experience. And now he wants to share has experience and his “pride and joy” with folks like you. Why? Ron has had great success and now feels like it’s time to “pay it forward” to the universe in thanks for his success.
And Ron wants to share his system TONIGHT on a LIVE webinar… You may be one of the lucky few to grab a seat if there are any left. You’ll be surprised at what Ron Carter has brought from the Trading Floor to Forex. Secure your spot now:bYou may not have another opportunity like this, think about it…how often do you get to pick the brain of a Floor Trader with 28 years in the market? Get a full explanation and preview of Ron’s formula for success tonight here.
If you are still reading this and haven’t registered for the webinar yet, if you risk missing out on the single event that could change your Forex fortunes. Get informed, get answers and register now. This will fill up quickly. The first webinar filled up before I even had a chance to get the word out. Register here:
I was able to get a copy of Pro Forex Robot Earlier this week, It has tested well on our past data and really may be worth it’s salt. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself TONIGHT… you may be one of the lucky few to grab a seat, if there are any left. You are going to be shocked at what Ron Carter has brought from the Trading Floor to Forex.
You need to see this webinar and it will top out, word is spreading too fast for you to wait. Take a few minutes to view the gift that the PFR team has given to Forex traders. You read the report and then tonight you see the main event. Live answers and exposed secrets, TONIGHT. Watch Ron and the PFR team explain the system, then ask Ron your questions…what more could you ask for?
If you are still reading this, you may be too late.. I passed along the report I received from Ron Carter to a good friend that swore that he would never use a Robot to trade Forex. He said, “I get those emails all the time. They are just junk.” Read below to see him stick his right foot in his mouth. Ha! Here It is…”Where has this Ron Carter guy been all my trading life? No way am I going to buy an EA from some nobody with a half baked “I was a farmer and now I’m a trillionaire myth. But I’ve heard of traders having secret methods that they use all the time, so you got my attention.” The Pro Forex Robot guys are holding a LIVE webinar, Seats will go fast:
Ok, he goes on…”I got through reading the report you forwarded, I checked out all his backtesting and read up on the guy and what went into making Pro Forex Robot a reality. My first reaction? I want to see these results with my own eyes and be able to ask these guys a question or two. It turns out he’s holding an online webinar this coming Monday (5/24) to show how it works and take questions. I’ve already signed up.”
He’s right, Ron Carter will be holding an online webinar on Monday, May 24th to let you meet his development team, see what makes PFR tick and even answer your questions. To prove they care about helping out the little guy, they are even giving away private coaching and free copies of PFR to a few randomly selected attendees. Space is limited, so sign up below to be guaranteed an invitation. You owe it to yourself to see what Ron Carter’s Pro Forex Robot is all about. Seats are limited. Seriously, Don’t get stuck on the outside looking in.

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